Retailer Margin Analysis
For leading FMCG & Retail companies, The ‘Retailer Margin Analysis’ module of Impaqtr gives a comprehensible and flexible insight into your retailer promotions.
The ‘Retailer Margin Analysis’ module of Impaqtr gives a comprehensible and flexible insight in your internal product margin and that of the retailer. Retailer margins are an important topic discussed during business reviews between key account managers and retail buyers. It is a critical measure that helps both parties to come to a collaboration agreement using tailormade calculations.
Continuous insight in the margin of the retailer
Benchmark your own internal margin with that of the retailer – Understand the underlying costs that each retailer uses to calculate its margin
Look at the retailer margin from different angles (drivers, assortment…) – Allow for an effective communication between retail buyers and key account manager
- The ‘Retailer Margin Analysis’ module contains strong mathematical power to calculate relevant KPI’s visualized in dashboards and tables.
- Custom product segmentation can be implemented, so that it is aligned with your other business reports.
- Product Margins can be linked as real values or as variable dummy values.
- Promotion costs can be attributed to a specific period for each retailer and product – We are using a methodology that approaches closely the way each retailer calculates his margin
- The ‘Retailer Margin Analysis’ module can be accessed through the ‘Aurora’ Platform. Product. Margin and cost mappings can be maintained by the customer through our shared One-Drive
Insights by Visualisation
- Classic yearly or monthly evolution graphs
- Multiple waterfalls to decompose margin fluctuation.
- Retailer MarginCost Build-up charts
- Summarizing tables, …
Data Requirements
At the sales level weekly retailer selling-out volumes and prices of your own brands and SKU’s.
Quarterly financial information on product margins (which can be real values or dummy values depending on the desired level of transparency)
Overview of the negotiated trade terms – Actual or estimate of promotional costs (displays, redemptions…)
Possible Extensions
Promotional Profitability Module
Other Modules